Atlantic  Center  Homeowners  Association,  Inc.  (ACHA)  is  a  Not-for-Profit  Corporation  formed  in August 1995 in the State of New York. The Association consists of 139 houses within the boundaries of Atlantic Avenue and Fulton Street, Carlton Avenue and South Portland Avenue in Brooklyn, New York.   The Association homes were erected in three phases and homeowners began moving in as follows:

PhaseNumber of Three-Family Homes builtOriginal Move-in Dates
I53August to December 1995
II54April 1997
III32August 2003

The purpose of the Association for which the Corporation was formed is to install, repair, replace, and maintain the common easements/common improvements (common gates, locks, and fences; driveways, asphalt, parking areas, and external drainages/sewers); for which the Association assess monthly or annual dues to support such endeavors as adopted by the annual budget. Each homeowner by acceptance of a deed (including its successors and assigns) is a member of the Association and must abide by all governing State and local laws, Declarations & Covenants, Bylaws, and House Rules.   Our Common Easements consist of 5 parking lots and 12 gates as follows:

Parking Lot A

Located behind 720 Fulton Street to 728 Fulton Street and next to 354 Cumberland Street (all even numbers, only).

Parking Lot B

Located behind 730 Fulton Street to 748 Fulton Street (even numbers, only), 355 Cumberland Street to 403 Cumberland Street (odd numbers, only), and 418 Carlton Avenue to 478 Carlton Avenue (even numbers, only).

Parking Lot C

Located behind 3 Atlantic Commons to 19 Atlantic Commons (odd numbers, only), 153 So

Oxford Street to 161 So Oxford Street (odd numbers, only), and 356 Cumberland Street to 368

Cumberland Street (even numbers, only).

Parking Lot D

Located behind 408 Cumberland Street to 424 Cumberland Street (even numbers, only) and

205 So Oxford Street to 213 So Oxford Street (odd numbers, only).

Parking Lot E

Located behind 173 S Portland Avenue to 203 S Portland Avenue (odd numbers, only) and 172

So Oxford Street to 208 So Oxford Street (even numbers, only).

  Executive Board

The purpose of the ACHA Board is to exercise, all lawful powers and duties necessary for the Association, the maintenance, repairs and replacement of the Common Improvements; enforce compliance with rules; fiduciary responsibilities which includes budgets, tax payments levied on the common easement property, collections of assessments (dues or special), employ or retain counsel, accountants, engineers and management firms, or such vendors as needed to maintain, repair, or replace the common easements.

The Board currently consists of unpaid volunteers that were elected and/or appointed to hold the following positions:

Sheila Whitaker – President

 – 1st Vice President

 – 2nd Vice President

John Henry — Treasurer Lenore Thompson — Secretary   In accordance with the authority granted to the President of the Board under the By-laws, a Special Committee, named “ACHA Maintenance, Property & Improvement Committee” (MPIC) was created to disseminate critical information as it pertains to local law requirements and the ongoing maintenance of your property. MPIC consists of four members who are members within our Atlantic Center Homeowners Association and not members of the Association’s Board. Please note that any information provided by MPIC is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation by the Board or the MPIC as to any vendor at any point in time.   Please take further notice that it is the responsibility of each homeowner to perform their own due diligence before retaining any potential contractor or vendor.  ACHA, the Board, and the MPIC will not be responsible in any way for the performance of any contractor or vendor retained by a homeowner or for compliance with any other law, rule, or regulation of any governmental authority by the homeowner.  Any selection of contractor or vendor you make is at your own discretion; and ACHA, the Board and the MPIC will not incur any liability for losses or damage or failure of such contractor or vendor in the performance of its work.   Vendors The Association maintains the following primary vendors:

AccountantMayne, Blumstein & Fingold CPAs LLP1991 Smith Street Merrick, NY 11566 (516) 868-2400 (o) (516) 868-6683 (f)
LegalAdam Leitman Bailey, P.C.One Battery Park Plaza 18th Floor New York, New York 10004 (212) 825-0365 (o)
Management CompanyFirstService Residential575 Fifth Avenue 9th Floor
New York, NY 10017

As an Association Member, you may interact with various individuals within FirstService Residential as follows:

Steven GreenbaumDirector of Property
Valery LipariDivision Coordinator/Property


Mohamed JallohAccounts Receivable
Valery LipariAccounts

To  avoid  delays  in  responding  to  your  email,  kindly  direct  all  general  Association matters  to:
